Memoirs Made Easy
Your living, everlasting legacy.
As we live our lives, we create a legacy.
Your memoir shares your story, your way.
We bring your story to life in an easy, fun experience designed to capture your words and YOUR voice.
Your legacy goes beyond a trust fund or a family home,
a generous life insurance policy or other material assets.
Your values, experience, and perspective on events are the intangible assets of your life.
Telling your truth, your memoir reveals your side of your story.

Memoirs come in all shapes and sizes, written or recorded, audio/video.
They tell your TRUTH.
What is YOUR side of YOUR STORY?
Your Voice in print.
You know the story you want to tell but:
- You're not a writer.
- You don't feel like writing it.
- You don’t know how or where to start.
You want:
- To share and preserve precious memories.
- Your story to guide and perhaps inspire future generations.
- Your loved ones to read and enjoy this celebration of your life.
- Clarity - you haven't realized what your story is or haven't recognized your legacy within your story

- What are 5 more minutes with a parent or a grandparent worth?
- Are you willing to share your values, knowledge, and experience with your children and grandchildren?
- Put yourself in their shoes, what questions do they have for you?
- What answers do you have for them?
Memoirs are the gift that gives for generations to come.
Your memoirs leaves a piece of yourself in this world – your words, your tone, your voice , your thoughts, hopes and dreams, and your message for future generations.
They receive the gift of learning from your mistakes.
They receive an understanding of your challenges and motivations.
"We don't forgive people because they deserve it. We forgive them because we deserve it." Richard Russo, "Everybody's Fool."
- Where were your parents on December 7th, 1941? Pearl Harbor.
- Where were you on 11/22/1963? JFK’s assassination.
- Where were you on 9/11/2001? World Trade Center.
- Where were you on January 6, 2021?
After cancer surgery, my father, (Walter S. Driskill (9/20/13-7/28/98), lay dying; I was desperate for more time.
To ask questions,
To listen to his answers,
To learn more about what inspired his choices, his decisions, and his life.
A professional biographer, his contemporary, wrote my father’s memoir.
You had to have been there…
Dad’s surgery was in the early 80s, he passed in 1998, and I’d like to think
his sharing his life with another familiar with the stresses, opportunities, and options during their mutual time span lengthened both lives.
After decades of professional writing, it’s time to use my skills to provide a
unique service to folks who want those five more minutes with their loved
ones of a “certain generation.”
Gift your children and their children the living memory of your voice, your thoughts and youR presence through your memoirs
About Marty Humphreys
After 45 years of professional writing for myself and others, I know how to bring your story to life so you too can leave a lasting legacy. My career began in Hollywood before women were recognized as equals. As an Emmy Award winning writer, I learned early the power of a written story.
My credits include writing/editing and/or producing over 30 film and television projects, and over 40 ghostwritten and published non-fiction online and on paper.